The only international logistics solution integrated with major e-commerce platforms, hubs, and marketplaces.

  • e-commerce platforms
  • Hubs ans Marketplaces
  • Carriers
  • ERP

An open-source, highly customizable platform. It is estimated that one in four online stores uses this platform, which is currently the most popular globally. There are over 315,000 virtual stores, used by at least 30% of e-commerce businesses in Latin America.


An e-commerce platform specialized in entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs). It allows you to create your own online store, enabling you to sell your products on the internet directly, without intermediaries, connecting you to your customers.


An e-commerce platform aimed at both small sellers and large retailers, offering tools and resources that facilitate the creation, management, and growth of online stores. There are already over 1.7 million merchants selling directly to consumers.

VNDA by Olist

A platform with expertise in omnichannel business, unifying the physical and digital operations of retailers, and contributing to the overall promotion and visibility of e-commerce data and metrics.


A SaaS platform specialized in digital commerce, VTEX helps large brands and retailers achieve faster time-to-market, connect with their customers across any channel, and explore new growth opportunities.


A platform with expertise in cross-border commerce, with operations in the European market. It offers solutions for B2C, B2B, and B2B2C, as well as solutions for In & Out marketplaces.


A WordPress plugin that enables the creation of online stores for selling various types of products. As an open-source software, it offers many possibilities for updates and customizations.


It is the largest e-commerce company in the world, selling all types of products. Known for offering the Prime package, a subscription model that guarantees access to free shipping on products sold on the platform, along with other benefits.


The first online shopping site in the world. eBay is a global e-commerce platform that connects sellers and buyers from around the world, offering a secure platform for commercial transactions in various categories, including electronics, fashion, collectibles, and much more.


Leaders in cross-border e-commerce in Latin America, connecting sellers with various international marketplaces and e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart, Mercado Livre, among others, helping businesses to export globally.

Go deep

GoDeep is a technology company that develops sales platforms, operating for over 16 years in the market. The solution is focused on marketplace sales operations and currently has 20 integrations.


One of the largest logistics companies in the world, with 600,000 employees in over 220 countries. It is known for delivering packages and managing the supply chain efficiently. They handle your express and international shipments, ensuring your items reach where they need to go, when they need to be there.


FedEx is an American company famous for its fast and reliable deliveries, being the second-largest air transport company in the world. With transportation and logistics solutions for any location, they help you send express mail, documents, and packages with easy cargo management. They also offer various logistics services.


UPS is one of the largest transportation and logistics companies, offering a full range of shipping services, both domestic and international. They are known for their reliability and support for businesses and customers worldwide.


With over 350 years of existence, it is Brazil's official postal service and has the largest coverage in the Brazilian territory, with agencies in all 5,570 municipalities and 11,000 service units spread across the country.


The largest private delivery network in Latin America, serving everything from European postal administrations and large publishers to major online retailers, international shippers, and financial institutions that need reliable and secure deliveries.


A management and sales system with financial services for both physical and digital stores. The tool stimulates the growth of entrepreneurs across various segments.

What Companies That Already Export with ShipSmart Are Saying

Stella Olivato
Stella Olivato


A ShipSmart facilitou muito o nosso processo de envios internacionais. Hoje conseguimos gerar os documentos necessários e agendar as coletas mais rápido e apertando poucos botões. Esperamos continuar crescendo junto com a Ship ❤️

Jacqueline Costa
Jacqueline Costa

Cliente do Painel Pessoa Fisica

Eu não escolho nenhuma outra empresa para fazer meus envios internacionais. A Ship tem um preço ótimo, um painel muito fácil de usar e o atendimento me ajuda sempre que preciso!

Erika Hamassaki
Erika Hamassaki

Martins Fontes Paulista

Por anos, sonhávamos em expandir nossos negócios internacionalmente, mas faltava-nos um parceiro que pudesse garantir envios rápidos e eficientes. Há quase um ano, a ShipSmart entrou em cena, trazendo qualidade e agilidade ao nosso processo, sem a complicação da burocracia.

Marjorie Jubran
Marjorie Jubran


A Shipsmart foi uma ótima solução para iniciarmos os envios internacionais em nosso e-commerce. Com uma equipe super profissional, sempre tivemos nossos pedidos entregues com segurança e agilidade. Recomendo a empresa para quem busca confiança e qualidade na logística internacional.

Choose the Ideal ShipSmart Membership for Your Business

Mini Ship
Free forever
  • 10 Shipments per year
  • Freight and taxes Quotation
  • Automatic Documents and Labels Generation
  • Boxes and Products Inventory
  • Commercial and Personal Shipments
  • Upfront payment
US$ 699/year Everything from Mini Ship +
  • 400 Shipments per year
  • Quotation Rules
  • Multiple Origin Shipments
  • 1 Own Freight Contract
  • 1 Integration
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS
  • Invoiced payment
US$$ 890/year Everything from Startup +
  • 700 Shipments per year
  • 2 Own Freight Contract
  • 2 Integrations
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS
US$ 1.090/year Everything from Scaleup +
  • 1.000 Shipments per year
  • 3 Own Freight Contract
  • 3 Integrations
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS
  • Mini Ship
  • Startup
  • Scaleup
  • Pro
Free forever  
  • 10 Shipments per year
  • Freight and taxes Quotation
  • Automatic Documents and Labels Generation
  • Boxes and Products Inventory
  • Commercial and Personal Shipments
  • Upfront payment
US$ 699/year
Everything from Mini Ship +
  • 400 Shipments per year
  • Quotation Rules
  • Multiple Origin Shipments
  • 1 Own Freight Contract
  • 1 Integration
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS
  • Invoiced payment
US$ 890/year
Everything from Startup +
  • 700 Shipments per year
  • 2 Own Freight Contract
  • 2 Integrations
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS
US$ 1.090/year
Everything from Scaleup +
  • 1.000 Shipments per year
  • 3 Own Freight Contract
  • 2 Integrations
    Platform, ERP, Hub, Marketplace or WMS

Need more?

Our Special plan offers a variety of customized integration options to meet your cross-border project needs

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